Ensuring that the workload matches the productive capacity of the bodyshop and avoiding the generation of bottlenecks; increasing the throughput, the production efficiency and reducing the cycle time without compromising the quality of repairs; standardizing the processes in place so that the staff can operate as in a highly productive assembly line… These are only some of the benefits that bodyshops and dealerships applying Lean Six Sigma methodology will achieve in their operations. As partners of our customer’s success, PPG has developed the training course “Green Belt Fundamentals: Lean for Bodyshops” showing to bodyshops how they can apply all these concepts in their facilities. A training that has benefited many bodyshops in the past and that was recently attended in March by a group of professionals of Percar, a Spanish Audi & VW dealership belonging to the Perez Rumbao Group.
Thanks to the proven experience built over the last 10 years training and leading projects in our customer’s facilities, PPG continues to offer their Green Belt training for bodyshops interested in improving their performance thanks to Lean Six Sigma. This time, a group of professionals from Percar, official dealership of Audi and Volkswagen in Vigo (Spain), has participated during March in the training of “Green Belt Fundamentals. Lean for Bodyshops” lead by Ildefonso Jiménez, PPG’s Senior MVP & Commercial Training Manager and certified Black Belt professional.
During the training, the professionals attending managed to dive into the key concepts and benefits of the application of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. This methodology is based in two key principles. Firstly, it aims to find and eliminate all waste produced during the productive processes, i.e., the elimination of all those processes or tasks that are not providing any value to the final customers. Secondly, Lean also consists in the implementation of a set of good practices, created in order to optimize the processes and operations, based on the constant analysis of the data available.
“The professionals attending these trainings can get an introduction to the most basic concepts and fundamental terminologies used in the Lean methodology thanks to examples and activities that are specifically applied and built around the realities of bodyshops. Thanks to this, concepts such as cycle time, the 5S, the identification and elimination of waste, the value stream mapping, and many other are covered during the training to provide the attendee with the proper tools to start his journey in the implementation of Lean immediately”, mentions Ildefonso Jimenez.
“By the use of this Green Belt training, PPG contributes to allow attendees to evolve into “agents of internal change”. Professionals capable of leading the change and implementing continuous improvement in the daily routines of bodyshops that are impacting directly their results. Actions that can improve their competitiveness and that are fully oriented to provide the maximum satisfaction of their customers: the car-owners and the companies that trust them to repair their vehicles”, he adds.