Is your production cost too high? Do you feel you are wasting resources and money? Are you getting paid for all the products you make? What is my repair mix, and how will this affect my material consumption? How do you determine the business improvement steps to take?
If you have faced or are facing these questions, it is high time you were introduced to MESURA!
MESURA tool is part of PPG’s MVP Business Solutions Toolbox. PPG offers a range of tools and services that help their customers critically analyze their business and identify areas for improvement. MESURA can stand alone as a business improvement solution for your bodyshop.
MESURA is all about tracking resource consumption to save costs and reduce waste. When you deploy MESURA for your bodyshop business, you will gain unique and deep insights into all the aspects of your automobile repair process.
"Example of waste in a bodyshop"
MESURA tool goes as deep as determining how much resources repairs cost on a car by car basis. For example, it works out how much paint goes on a car, the amount of waste generated, and the number of resources that your staff return to the storage.
To arrive at the value of what it takes to repair the typical car in your workshop, MESURA will evaluate at least 25 cars. MESURA tool is designed to handle:
Owners of a chain of bodyshops can also benefit from MESURA’s business improvement offering. They can compare the performance of two or more auto shops to determine why one or two are not performing like the rest.
In a MESURA project completed recently, the client compared two bodyshops handling approximately the same number of cars/damages. The management was able to see differences in the amount of waste produce, the amount of non-paint products used, and the repair method used in the shops.
The management gained insight that one bodyshop was getting newer cars with smaller damages while the other bodyshop dealt with older cars with more significant damages. MESURA also reported how color trends affected the repair process, which in turn affected other products like primer and clearcoat. Thanks to MESURA, the business was finally able to pinpoint the reasons for the differences in operating costs and profits between the two shops!
PPG prepares a report for your bodyshop based on the attributes of each shop. The report will indicate which processes to improve upon to reduce waste and save costs.
MESURA’s report gives a deep, detailed, and good understanding of the workings of your bodyshop, including benchmarks, figures, and areas for improvement. There is also a concise graphical overview of how much paint is consumed per work order. You can use this information to plan your repair jobs.
You can get the best results from MESURA by sharing the data with your employees. This is because the new insights will give them a better understanding and appreciation for any process changes you make to cut costs and increase profit.
In conclusion, using the right amount of resources and method yields cost savings. Start your bodyshop business improvement journey today by implementing PPG’s MESURA!
Stephen Booty